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  1. This sounds smart and funny! It brings to mind the two-season-long NF horror/comedy “Santa Clarita Diet” which is also very entertaining while posing some serious questions about how we consume. And I’m with ya, book club books are always interesting to read.

  2. This sounds fun! And I think I would also enjoy that look at “women’s work”. I wonder though why he made the decision to base it in the 1990s? It definitely sounds like more of a 1950s setting with the characters.

    1. I guess it’s not that crazy; the role of men in families in particular has changed a lot in just a few generation. My dad was very present and involved when I was growing up but my mom was still surprised that my husband changed diapers when our first was born!

    2. Yes, many a mother has expressed this surprise with my friends and I that now have children LOL

    1. Thank you! I’m definitely more likely to pick up his books now that I’ve read and enjoyed this one, hopefully you like it too!

  3. This book is on my TBR and I’m looking forward to it. However, if it’s largely focused on how much things sucked for women in the 1990s, now I’m not so sure. You and I are the same age, and I totally remember my dad leaving his dishes for my mom to pick up, and his only chore was to mow the lawn once per week. It was this weird time when women were told they should “have it all,” which meant be employed full time and also be house wives full time, too. Ugh.

    1. UGH indeed. I woulnd’t say the gender roles are LARGE focus of it, but really just an underlying message. There’s lots of vampire stuff, and really just…weirdness.

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