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  1. I second this recommendation, My Life with Bob (B.O.B. being Book of Books, i.e. her reading log).

  2. I’m so glad you read this one, Anne! I’ve been curious about it for ages but it came out after I could put the advice to ready-use, so now that I know about the lists, I know I would still enjoy it, even so! And, yes, I’m also of the free rein philosophy when it comes to reading books (and some other things). Not only because I think kids reach out when they’re ready to learn and, if you’re actively parenting, you’re there for questions if they do end up grabbing hold of something that they weren’t expecting and they need more information. But also because I think restricting and forbidding only leads to kids (people!) being contrary. I mean the MOST interesting books are the ones that someone tells you NOT to read, amiright?

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