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  1. Agatha Christie is perfect cottage reading! I used to read my grandmother’s old mystery novels as a teenager, spending summers at the cottage. I can even remember the way the books themselves would smell!

  2. Sometimes my brain gets a sound byte stuck in it. Could be a line from a movie I saw 10 years ago or a song I didn’t really realize was on the radio that morning, whatever. Today, the sound byte was, “Goood EEEEVENING everyoooooone.” I kept thinking, where the hell do I know that from?? I opened your review and saw it was a video and realized, “OMG, THAT’S HOW ANNE STARTS EVERY VIDEO!!” lol! And guess what? That’s not how you started this specific video 🤣

    1. Do I say that? How funny. But actually you’re right, when I say those words aloud they sound familiar to me, so I definitely do say that! Maybe i need to add a creepy voice to it LOL

  3. I haven’t read this ones in ages! I always enjoyed her pure detection more than her ventures into thriller territory but I really must revisit this one, I wonder why they changed the title – Destination Unknown is so much better, I think.

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