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  1. The need for a side hustle in America fits right in with our entrepreneurial history/spirit, but absolutely crashes and burns because we have no healthcare rights.

    1. Very good point Melanie! Sadly our Canadian system is in dissaray at the moment, it’s a 12 hour wait at our local children’s hospital, but at least we know that when we are finally ‘in’, everything is pretty much free. It’s just so crowded becuase of covid, RSV and the flu. I’m a bit terrified of myself or my kids getting sick right now ;(

    2. Yeeees, the U.S. is struggling under the weight of what they are calling “the triple threat,” and to be honest with you, I have zero clue what RSV even is. All I know is my bivalent booster is on Saturday.

    3. yes the triple threat here is very real LOL I think RSV is just a cold virus but a bad one

    4. I was relieved when I saw last night that my particular county has not been hit by the triple-demic, or whatever they’re calling it. They said the hospitals are okay so far, but also that things can change quickly.

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