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  1. To reply to Laila’s comment, Lars and The Real Girl is totally an indie film, and super bizarre. You just have to sit there and watch him pretend he’s actually dating a sex doll, LOL.

    Karissa told me about this post and asked if had read it. I hadn’t seen it, so I went back to my email, where I get notifications of all my blog friends’ posts, and I still don’t have a notification five days after you published this! Maybe I’ll try subscribing again just to see if that helps?? Because I’m totally stoked about this post and DID get a kick out of it! Karissa said she didn’t recognize you at first, but looking at the photo, you both appear exactly as I picture you!

    As for the book, my question is who the hell polls their family and friends before confronting their spouse about a sex doll?? That seems awfully personally to me. What, was she asking his mom for advice?

  2. ok weird the notification didn’t show up? Let me know if it shows up. I just posted another book review this morning but it takes 5-6 days to email the notifications to everyone.

    The book – she asked family members advice on how she should react, and the reactions and advice were – mixed! haha

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