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  1. Glad you enjoyed this one! Her late novels are often weaker than her earlier ones, but this one stands up pretty well, I think, though there’s quite a lot of head-shaking over how society is going to the dogs, which tends to happen in quite a few of her last books. But she was still, at 79, writing books that most authors could never produce at their peak!

    1. I forgot to mention that FF actually. I had written a review for this one, and then it got lost on the computer so I had to re-write it (ugh) but in the first review i wrote, I mentioned about how odd it was that people kept talking about how parenting is ‘these days’ LOL It was just a recurring theme that everyone seemed to agree on, no matter which character was speaking

  2. I completely forgot that there was a scary Poirot movie that came out! I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it looked really good, but I never watched it. I’ll add it to my list to get from the library. I don’t think I’m going to read the book. I’ve read a few of her books, and the talking and the sitting and the pondering really does get tiresome after a time, for me anyway. I do enjoy Allison Brennan’s books; she also writes procedurals, but from the perspective of an FBI agent. So there must be something about the procedural I like, just not Poirot. Maybe it’s the limited settings.

    1. There is alot of sitting, a lot of talking, a lot of pondering, so you’re right to pass on this one. I recall you reviewing the Brennan books, I think I’d like those! It’s a fun movie though, you should definitely get it out from the library :)

  3. I’ve read this one a long time ago, pre-Goodreads, so I don’t remember much about it. But even a so-so Christie book is still great fun! I never watched the new film. Maybe I’ll catch it somewhere.

    1. This is exactly how I feel too Laila. Even a so-so Agatha Christie book is one I enjoy reading haha

  4. I feel like there’s another Poirot story where a child says they witnessed a murder and no one believes them until they themselves are killed. I don’t think I’ve read this but it sounds so familiar!

    1. considering how many books she wrote, that could very well be the plot for another book! you’re likely right lol

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