Book Review: The Pain Tree by Olive Senior

I had never read anything by Olive Senior before, but I had heard of her, and I knew she was a good writer, so picking up The Pain Tree was an easy decision for me. As was recommending her, and gushing about her publisher Cormorant Books on the radio last week. If...

Book Review: The Butcher’s Hook by Janet Ellis

Is this book literary? Yes. Is this book a thriller? Yes, of sorts. Is this book a worthwhile piece of historical fiction? Definitely! The Butcher’s Hook by Janet Ellis is a lot of different things, it’s very unique in so many ways that it will appeal to...

My Interview with The Black Lion Journal

Things seem to be coming up “Anne Logan” these days. I’m really enjoying recording my weekly radio segments on the CBC, because it’s so fun to chat books with other people who really enjoy reading. And the fact that a large audience is forced...