New Year, New Look
I was getting sick of the way my blog looked before, so I gave it an update, thanks to the fine themes they have available through wordpress. I personally find change difficult, but I hope you, dear readers, appreciate this transformation, because I would like my blog to be more user-friendly; if you can’t find what you’re looking for on my site, than that’s not good for anyone! Thankfully they made it easy for me, because changing the format of this site stretches the very limits of my formatting abilities. That being said, I’d love to hear your thoughts on ivereadthis’s new look.
How awesome would that be! Because this is a ‘free’ theme from WordPress, I doubt it would have that capability to add those things, but if you can think it’s do-able, let me know!
Anne, It’s cool that you can add a “Good Reads” widget. A change is always fun. Your personable writing is the star, no matter the theme! I look forward to your 2016 posts.
It’s so good to hear from you Janet! It’s super easy to add the Good Reads widget, in fact all the widgets are quite easy to use, I can show you some time :)