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  1. It is a great book. I know when I reviewed the book and did a Q&A with Teva, it started a lot of conversations with people who had to deal cancer. She should be great to hear!

    1. I know! I was supposed to be interviewing her onstage tomorrow night at Wordfest, but I’m sick so I can no longer do it. Such a disappointment, although I’m happy I still got to read her book.

  2. I just saw her you-tube video today where she sits in the middle of a busy terminal (of some sort). That made me cry, so I’m a little worried about her book. I think I will read it, though – it sounds great.
    A couple of years ago I read Gil Deacon’s Naked Imperfection, and thought that was pretty great, too.

    1. I haven’t seen the video yet (although I saw it all over my fb feed yesterday), but the book wasn’t that sad actually. I think the fact that there are drawings helps make it a little less serious for me, because of the pictures are whimsical, which is really nice. I haven’t read Naked Imperfection, but I love Gil Deacon!

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