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  1. I’ve read a few by Chabon and really enjoyed them all. I recommend The Adventures of Kavalier & Clay or The Yiddish Policeman’s Union to start. His non-fiction book Maps and Legends is also really good if you’re at all interested in the process of writing.

  2. That’s very funny. At least you didn’t have to pretend you read some of his books. Try The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Clay.

    1. Well, sure. I guess I meant more that you didn’t have to admit never having read him. But if that doesn’t bother you, then it wouldn’t have been embarrassing?

    2. yes I guess not, although maybe he could have been a big jerk about it, and acted offended that I haven’t read his books either-I suppose it’s a toss up. Although for the record, he didn’t seem like that kind of author :)

  3. Oh, I see Naomi says not. Well, in that case, maybe Wonder Boys would be a good choice. Or Moonglow, his latest, is really interesting.

  4. What an adorable post. Great picture, great admission. You are not alone. I’d love it if you’d join our FB group called Networking Bloggers. We are there to help each other through blogging issues. :) I published one of your reviews last October. I’m updating it to promote it on social media. I’d like a picture of you to add to your bio section.

    1. Easy peasy, just go to networking bloggers on FB and either click the join button or permission to join. I think it’s still a public group. Maria was talking about closing it, but either way, I’ll click you in. I hope you don’t mind that I added your picture to the bio section of the post you wrote for me. I cropped Michael out of it a little bit.

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