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  1. As Captain Janeway of the Starship Voyager remarked “Time travel. Since my first day on the job as a Starfleet captain I swore I’d never let myself get caught in one of these godforsaken paradoxes – the future is the past, the past is the future, it all gives me a headache. ” ;)

  2. I like the way you word that–honoring the author’s efforts when he/she wrote the book. That’s lovely, Anne. The book review I posted today was also a book that I had to keep reading through, even though I didn’t want to. I felt obligated because the author is a small-town woman from the same area as me, though I didn’t know that when I got the book.

    1. sometimes I find it really difficult being a book reviewer, just for those reasons. I know alot of authors personally now, and it’s such a huge risk to agree to review their book online before seeing it. I could never be an author myself, because I’m aware of just how much work it is writing a book, regardless of how ‘good’ it is.

    2. It is tough when you get to know authors. I’ve become very careful about not being too friendly just because I’ve had authors think we were friends because we did the Meet the Writer series and then later I read one of their books and didn’t like it.

    3. I hear you! When I used to work for a literary festival, authors assumed they were invited to read at our events just because I attended their book launch-it was an awkward couple emails later that they finally got the picture. Makes me cringe just thinking about it

    4. Oh, no! I can’t imagine! It’s even worse when they have published with a small press because then they claim you’ve ruined, or are trying to ruin, their career.

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