Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 17
This video will say it all, but I was disappointed in today’s story. High hopes were dashed as I made my way into these 11 pages. It was 10 pages too long, in my opinion. Sigh…
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!!!!
As I begin to write this review, I’m not really sure how I actually felt about this book. As the title suggests, the main character is a bad person, someone so despicable you can only shake your head at his wretched antics, finding yourself shocked when he carries on a semi-polite conversation with someone else…
This past week I spoke about books that deal with the subject of family. I realize this is a pretty broad topic and can encompass most everything that has ever been written, but I used it as an excuse to talk about my favourite picture book ever: A Family is a Family is a Family,…
My reading of this book seems to have coincided with a very important milestone in my life: the marriage of a best friend. I find this happens to me quite frequently; I will pick up a book and find it is the perfect thing to be reading at that very specific time in my life….
Have you seen the movie Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio? If you haven’t yet, read the Shutter Island book first. It was originally published in 2003 by Dennis Lehane, and made into a movie not long ago, 2010 actually. I personally haven’t seen the movie either, but after reading the book I’ve decided I HAVE…
Never have I read a book that has brought me to tears. I’ve been close, my eyes have maybe even welled up a few times in the past, but A Mother’s Reckoning by Sue Klebold put me right over the edge, forcing me to lie awake thinking of what I just read long after I…
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You made me laugh with your observations about what the public thinks about Canadian writers! Too bad that this was a disappointment but I’m glad you’re open to trying this author again.
Haha is it kinda true tho? We are all up in our freezing cold cabins haha
Also, when I did my MFA in creative writing, there were two lows a writer could sink to: the worst was writing about other people in the class *awkward*
The other was writing about writing…Dammit, Carleigh!
Hahah right???