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  1. The relationship between the boys and their father does sound interesting, and I think is pretty common in ‘sporting’ families. I probably won’t read it for some of the same reasons as you, and because I have other books I’d rather put ahead of it. Your review gives a good sense of what the book is like!

  2. Although I did enjoy the book more than you did, I would say that some of what you’ve said was a barrier for you was a lesser one for me, but between really liking and really loving; there are a lot of elements here that I think I would have loved, if I hadn’t already been climbing over the cricket thing to get to the “good stuff”. (If you’re curious:

    PS Clearly the humans who forced Pearl into this spotlight will not be receiving Meowy Cat-mas cards from her this year.

  3. I know nothing about cricket, but I love watching live sports (with the exception of football and golf–and NASCAR, which I don’t personally count as a sport). I want to read the memoir by the world’s biggest goal scorer in soccer, Abby Wambach.

  4. I’m sorry it didn’t really work for you, but can quite see that the whole cricket thing could be a problem. It’s pretty much impossible to be British and not understand at least the basics of cricket, so I had a definite advantage there. Plus I read a fair amount of Indian literature which probably helped too. Never mind – onwards and upwards! (You might like his Last Man in Tower, though – no cricket, and a more you-ish kind of story, I suspect… )

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