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  1. You described this really well! Even at the end I didn’t know what was going on. I was back and forth about it the whole time, just like you. I’m really looking forward to the next two books, in the hopes that I’ll eventually have it all figured out, but am also a little afraid I’ll have forgotten some important details by then.

    1. Oh yes, I will have completely forgotten what went on by the time I read the second, that’s for sure. And I’m glad i’m not the only one who felt lost!

  2. You look lovely! But I understand feeling less than lovely as your due date approaches. LOL to that first part you read of the book! Sounds like an intriguing read. I went to Toronto last fall, so maybe there would be some familiar sites to this American reader?

    1. I’m sure it would ring a bit familiar, but it depends on how much you remember of it :) And thank you! I appreciate the kind words and sympathy haha

  3. Eight months! Goodness – please don’t accidentally give birth while making a book video – my poor nerves couldn’t stand it! The book sounds great and *proud face* I’ve actually been in Toronto. Only for two days admittedly but still! It’s not out here till August but I’ve stuck it on my wishlist so I won’t forget about it.

    Go and put your feet up and don’t forget to take your medicinal chocolate regularly – you need to build up your strength…

    1. haha I’ve heard that the second does come faster, although fast enough that it would happen during my book review is probably pushing it (no pun intended!).

      Indeed, I’ve been eating lots of chocolate, especially with Easter coming up. I’m currently eating a ‘lil scoop’, as I type this, not sure if you have them in the UK but highly recommended:

    2. Ooh, I don’t know if we do, but I’ll be looking next time I go to the supermarket! You can tell it’s a guy doing that review – it took him 2 1/2 minutes to open the box! I’d have had two of the eggs eaten by then… ;)

    3. BAHAHAHA that made me laugh, because it’s so true! I can eat them in two bites each if you can believe it.

  4. Sorry it took me so long to get to this review. Every time I was reading reviews (I get them all emailed to me), I wasn’t in a place where I could watch the video without disturbing others!

    Your review was definitely concise, and I think the heads up about Toronto is important. I’ve been there a few times (LOVE IT) and think the setting would add to my enjoyment.

    Your description of the book suuuuuper reminded me of a book called Vacation by Deb Olin Unferth. One of the main characters had a huge dent in the back of his head, but doesn’t seem to realize it. A woman is intrigued and starts to follow him obsessively. But then stuff starts to happen that makes you wonder if the dented head guy is real or not.


    1. haha ok first of all, clearly I need to read this book about a man with a dent in his head. Also-my eyebrows have always been super expressive, and a little side note-they were plucked by my friend in her bathroom when we were in grade 5, and I’ve kept that shape ever since! Never had them waxed or plucked by another person since

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