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  1. I had very similar feelings as you – I wanted to know so much more about how she actually adapted to the outside world as an adult, considering how surreal it must have all seemed to her with her upbringing. But really, what she endured was just incomprehensible and I’m so impressed with what she’s been able to do with her life since. All kinds of remarkable. Also I somehow missed that picture of her dad, I had no idea what he looked like…even more horrifying now. Ugh. Excellent review!

    1. thanks! It is such an incredible story, simply because that was her life for such a long period of time. Most torture victims aren’t in captivity for that long, especially by their own family!

  2. I too would have wanted to know what happened afterwards. I’d also, being incredibly cynical, have wanted to know if her story had been corroborated by anyone? Pearl is looking stunningly gorgeous in that pic…

    1. haha you know, I’m cynical as well, and I will admit that thought crossed my mind a few times, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt this time…

      Pearl thanks you!

  3. Great review, this sounds like a fascinating review. However, like you said, it would be nice to know a little bit more about her present as well as the past :)

  4. I know I’m supposed to focus on the victims (both the author and her mother), but I really want to know what happened to this man, who sounds like a mad scientist out of a work of fiction.

    1. right? he just died of old age I think, nothing happened to him, which is a shame, it would have been nice if he received his own comuppance

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