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  1. Great review! I’m glad to see you liked this one and I can see the positive in it from how you describe it. I abandoned it a couple chapters in because the writing didn’t feel as polished as I like (teenager’s diary describes it perfectly!) and it was a little too chick lit-y for me. Sounds like it had its very positive aspects though!

    1. yes I can totally understand why you would have abandoned this-but I really did like it, it gets better and better!

  2. I’ve been tempted by this but all the romance stuff puts me off. I’m much more politically inclined than you, so I’m waiting impatiently for Obama’s own memoirs. I wonder if Trump will write a book when he’s done – in crayon with bad spelling… ;)

  3. I think I’ll have to give this one a try. Nostalgia doesn’t even BEGIN to describe what I feel on a daily basis for President Obama. This administration is a total nightmare. Every day I read the paper and Twitter and I just can’t believe what’s happening. Praying for some relief through the mid-term elections in November!

  4. I’ve been reading a lot about how books by women aren’t advertised to boys or men because they’re considered chick lit or women’s books. Do you think any boys or men could get something out of this memoir? Also, I love the title. It’s a good joke!

    1. I don’t think men would like this book to be honest-it’s very girly, and the men in her life all turn out to be pretty crappy LOL

  5. I never would have thought I’d be tempted to pick up a book set in the White House. But this sounds intriguing! I wonder how much the sappy writing would bother me…

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