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  1. I fear the chocolate reviewing is never going to work if you keep eating it all before you get around to reviewing it! Either that or you’ll just have to get a bigger stock in next time…

  2. I just finished reading Vi yesterday. The writing was beautiful, as it is in her other books. I didn’t know she had 4 out – I’ve only read three – Ru, Man, and Vi. I think I mentioned before that they all have a similar style. I feel like reading her books is like a breath of fresh air. Especially if you read one after a more difficult book, which I did in this case. I read it right after Split Tooth, and it felt like such a relief. (I don’t know yet what that says about Split Tooth – I have to think about that. Have you read that one yet?)
    Anyway, good luck with all your reading and research!

    1. I haven’t read split tooth yet, and now i’m dying to hear what you think of it! The content would be difficult for sure, but is the writing hard to follow too?

    2. I didn’t find it hard to follow, but it’s pretty harsh at times. Graphic and upsetting. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing – just different and not as easy to read about.

    3. Ah, that’s not surprising. I bought tickets to see her perform here next week, I’m really looking forward to it.

  3. I’ve heard that the same people who do the Christmas story advent calendar thing also have a Halloween version that was chosen by Patton Oswalt. Are you going to do a Halloween sort of advent calendar with video reviews this year?

    And the question that I would have for the author of the book that you were reviewed is what was his or her intentions with the form versus the content? You noted that the margins are quite large, and the book, as you held it up, actually look pretty big to me, so I was surprised to learn that it was so short.

    1. Ohhh good question!

      Yes, the Halloween box is something I’m interested in, but I don’t have time to do it. I was actually speaking with the publisher of it on the weekend, and she said that they have a new one coming too!

    2. I would watch every little video 😄 I’d be especially interested to hear what kind of horror people are writing these days. However, today is October 1st, so you’re already too late!

    3. I know!!! Maybe next year? Although I’m always so busy with our writers festival in October…

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