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  1. The technique you describe is metafiction. Anything that is aware of what it is is “meta.” Ferris Bueller knows he’s in a movie; he talks to the camera. That’s metafilm. “You’re so vain” may be considered a metasong.

    I giggled when you said it was so late and then revealed it’s 10:00 :)

    1. haha it’s true, 10 is so late for me! You can probably tell how tired I felt in the video.

      yes-meta! I always forget that term, but really it shouldn’t be that hard to remember (sigh)

  2. I think I may have mentioned I’m a huge movie fan, so this one was right up my alley. I’ve actually seen all of the movies he talked about in his story (not when they came out, as the character did), but it sure brought me into the character’s moment. Also, my father was in the Air Force, and, while I was pretty young, we were living on a radar base and I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. Movies were an escape for me when I was growing up, as they seemed to be for this character, and I really loved his imagery throughout the story as a way of dealing with what he was going through and his observations of what was going on around him. Another wonderful translation.

    P.S. Really enjoyed your CBC segment, which I tracked down online.
    P.P.S. Hope the dental surgery went well.

    1. Thank you Cathy! yes the surgery went well, and thank you for tracking down that segment, many people are having troubles playing it (weird)

      I know this last story would have wide appeal, lots of people are book/movie buffs!

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