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    1. thank you! I think it’s important to be honest when reviewing books, because otherwise, what’s the point? LOL

  1. Oh, I do love when I read a review that doesn’t tempt me to add to my TBR! It seems totally unrealistic to me that a girl form a non-wealthy family could ever have become an elite dressage rider even before it gets to the unrealistic marriage! Chester is gorgeous, and doesn’t he just know it! (But not nearly as gorgeous as Smokey, of course… :D )

  2. LoL, I like this review because it sounds like your thoughts as you were reading the book. Sometimes, bloggers (myself included) become distant from our feelings while we were reading when we write blog posts. To me, it makes the blogger sound sort of distant. Every time I write a review using the same tone I had when I was reading the book, people tend to tell me they really liked my review.

    Also, glad you explained the newbie cat. I thought I’d lost my mind for a moment.

    1. haha yes, I think when I’m writing negative reviews, my true voice really comes out!

  3. Hahaha! I think my reaction would be similar to yours – “Oh no, you have to sell your secondary property? How will you survive?”

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