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  1. Great review of a fabulous book!
    It’s still making the rounds at our library, which is great to see. It’s kind of irresistible.

  2. That does seem to look a little like I imagine Frank might look too. Although you feel like you wanted to spend even more time with these characters, and I thought 224 pages was quite enough, thanks very much. But I agree that he is very talented indeed. And I’m never sorry to know that I’ll be reading another of his books, whenever they appear on a longlist anywhere!

  3. You say that there are too many books in the world to read any book more than once, but I confess I did just that with French Exit. Delicious the second time too.

    1. I’m weird in the fact that I don’t re-read books, many do, and get much pleasure from it! Enjoy as many times as you wish, books are worth it :)

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