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  1. Did you know that using the phrase “freaky-deaky” means you are 100% turning into your parents? :D I think you would hate the book I just finished listening to called Made for Love. My review went up Monday, and I’m wondering if the plot synopsis scared people off!

    1. haha yes, I know, Freaky-Deaky is sort of my go-to these days so I’m definitely getting older

  2. I pretty much agree with you – long but readable, fascinating structure if you’re into that but also just a good story. Very well written, and surprisingly funny. Army, especially!

  3. Well, you did an excellent job of trying to sell this one, but my resistance is unshakeable! I hate, hate, hate, all those quirky things like superscript words inserted and so on, so this would drive me mad. Haha – but yes, I’m sure poor future students will be forced to dissect it to pieces. Suffering is good for the soul… ;)

    1. And! This just won the giller earlier this week hahah but generally I hate that stuff too, it’s a detractor for me

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