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  1. At the library, we have training on how to best serve and work with homeless patrons. One thing that surprised me is that most of us can think about the future — next week, next year, next five years, etc. Homeless people, however, tend to only have a 24-hour window looking forward, meaning consequences have little effect on them.

    1. That is suprising actually, thank you for that. What an important thing to keep in mind when interacting with them!!! That sounds like really useful education and training that everyone should have really

  2. Knowing from personal experience how hard it is to give up smoking I’ve always had a huge amount of sympathy for people fighting addiction of any kind and admiration for those who succeed. Good on him for turning his life around!

    1. you used to smoke FF? Wow interesting. Good on ya for quitting, no doubt that was intense.

    1. me too! I think with the opioid crisis, we are hopefully moving towards a broader understanding of addiction…

  3. I have a close family member who is an addict, and even though it’s an awful thing, it has also helped me understand things I might not have otherwise. It’s also helped me to not be so quick to judge others – it can happen to anyone.
    Great review!

    1. That’s a tough situation Naomi, but you’re right in that it completely changes our viewpoint of addicts. If only people tried to be more understanding, I think we could do alot to get rid of the stigma…

  4. I had a hard time with this book: too much “ashes” and not enough “from the”. He just writes about one occurance after another with no self-reflection. He never talks about being lonely or angry or what made him change. Maybe I’m prejudiced because I’ve been through all this already with my daughter and she has a PhD now. Addiction stories are hard to read for people who have lived through having a loved one with addiction so maybe that’s why I didn’t like it. Maybe addicts have no capacity for self-reflection?

    1. I know what you mean-I was hoping for more stories about him sober, but maybe he still needs time to reflect on that part of his journey. Perhaps a sequel is coming?

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