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  1. Oh gosh, yes! I’m so tired of the “epiphany” memoir – it never rings true to me, or hardly ever. Most people don’t have a life-altering moment like that – change and growth creeps up on us gradually. This sounds like a thoughtful work – I’m glad you enjoyed it, because I know that fear of opening a book by someone we know… ;)

  2. Great review! I’ve seen this one floating around Canadian book circles but wasn’t sure if it was worth the read. Glad to hear it is!

    1. I think you’d really enjoy it Karissa. A big aspect to it is figuring out how one relates to their family’s religion, if they are ‘jewish’ enough, etc.

    2. Ooh, that’s such an interesting question to me and, I think, one that almost everyone who grows up in a religious atmosphere has to figure out.

  3. The comment about “how Jewish she is” ties into something I’ve been thinking about lately. The end-of-the-year stats everyone includes on their blogs often have something about writers of color or their country of origin, but I found that the more I tried to put labels on the writers whose books I read, the more they defied labeling. In the end, I became super uncomfortable trying to put tags on people I’ve never met and wondered if there was any benefit to doing so, other than being able to show how diversely I think I read.

  4. This sounds great. I’d especially like to hear her thoughts on race versus religion – what do people think about that??

    1. Gosh, it was awhile ago now that I read it, but I seem to recall it was one of those things that people couldn’t really agree on…like an ongoing controversy

  5. Although I don’t mind the idea of structuring a memoir in a more conventional narrative arc if that feels natural or if it suits the storyteller, I admit to enjoying a less conventional approach now and then. More than anything, I like to follow the process of exploring, and that can come with a lot of circles and spirals, not always tidy little arcs. So glad to hear that you enjoyed this one!

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