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  1. Ehhhhhhhhh, one of my least favorite things about 80s culture is the way a guy thinks that if he just chases a girl around enough that she will love him. AND WHAT IF SHE DOESN’T!?!? But in the movies, he’s always rewarded.

    1. yes very true! And that is a very unfortunate presumption, one that seems to continue to this very day sadly :(

  2. While this does sound fun and I like the idea of a soundtrack to go along with a book, I feel very little nostalgia or connection to the 80s and I question the idea that life was somehow better before technology (though perhaps this is part of Peter’s coming of age). Do you think this would be a more meaningful read for someone closer to the protagonist’s age?

    1. Honestly no, it was more about one man’s attempt to return to the ‘good ol days’, and then realizing that they didn’t really exist. The fact that it was the ’80s is sort of secondary. I loved the music of that time, but that’s about it haha

    1. definitely! These ‘lighter’ books should see a surge in popularity I would assume

  3. Hah, I love that image of the salad on the edges of the pot-luck table. Iceberg lettuce and unripe tomato bits I’m guessing. This sounds like a fun read. And the new season of RuPaul’s Drag Race had a Madonna Ru-sical number which was just awesome (couple of episodes ago) including a “Live to Tell” bit.

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