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  1. We’ve been fed the “pull yourself up by your boot straps” narrative so hard that we don’t care about helping other people, even if in doing so we help ourselves.

  2. Congratulations on your new job with Calgary Reads!

    That’s fantastic that you managed to work freelance since starting your family. It’s the dream of so many moms, and you must’ve worked hard to make it happen for you. And now you’ve found a team to work with that allows you to still get home soon after the school dismissal bell. As a fan of your blog, I’m rooting for you as you embark on this new chapter!

    I’d never heard of this book before your review. It sounds like a good one to pick up next time I’m ordering books from my local bookstore. Thanks for the interesting and well-written review.

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words Susan, they mean a great deal to me :) And I’m so glad you are ordering from your local bookstore-this is a hidden gem of a book! I hope you enjoy it :)

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