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  1. Do you think your Christmas season will still be hectic with COVID? I know we’re not going anywhere, though I’m sure we’ll make a dinner for ourselves. The way you describe this book makes me wonder what the point of the single guy is. It sounds like a great story about families coming together after running on survival mode their whole lives. The mom sounds like someone who wanted to avoid poverty at the sacrifice of joy, which happens A LOT.

    1. Yup, the mother character is actually really well drawn, and very understandable once her back story is described.

      I think my christmas always seems hectic, but that’s because I’m desperately trying to get in lots of reading wherever I can. So it’s only hectic because I force it to be!

  2. Your review made me laugh, even though I’m pretty sure this book wouldn’t be a match for me. Now I know what reading mood I’d need to be in to enjoy it though.

    1. I’ve read a few Harlqeuin books this year and don’t seem to be minding them. HarperCollins bought Harlequin so HC publicists pitch them to me, and in a lot of cases I don’t even realize it’s a harlequin book until I get them :)

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