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  1. So you picked the 19th one to read? LOL Sheesh. I mean, maybe I worry too much about reading a series in order, but this is quite the other end of the spectrum. He’s not my cuppa but I do understand why his books appeal to some readers.

    1. hah ok in my defense, I didn’t choose the 19th, the publisher just sent it to me last year and it was one of the few xmas books left on my shelf :)

  2. My neighbor gave me the 14th book in this series for Christmas, so I looked it up on Goodreads. Die-hard fans of this series hated book #14 because it had three plots in one novel that didn’t go together, and they also hate that he’s not really writing his own books anymore, which is all part of the monster publishing scheme to make money off this dude’s name.

    1. Sigh, yes none of that surprises me. Honestly though, what did I expect jumping in at the 19th book in a series? That’s never going to end well no matter who you are haha

  3. If they really read the book, they would know it took place in San Francisco as does the entire series. I have read the entire series and will agree this book was boring, repetitive, and not the quality you expect from Patterson.

    1. I did actually read this book (years ago, when I wrote this review) but I must admit I can sometimes miss the detail of where it takes place, if it’s only mentioned once and I’m not familiar with the series. I’m happy to know that his quality is usually much higher!

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