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  1. No I’ve never visited either, and you’re right that having that American perspective sort of added some distance, which maybe a few Canadians need at this point to see things a bit clearer

  2. I’m not good at reading graphic novels, but this sounds like a book I should read anyway. If you liked this, you might also like Blanket Toss Under a Midnight Sun!

  3. The genre is definitely growing on my Naomi! I find the pages just fly once you get into one

  4. This one’s on my TBR! And I know what you’re saying about the idea of it being strange that an American journalist is covering this topic, but I think it seems strange because of the way that Canada continues to stress its ownership of and control over these communities and people rather than recognizing them to be independent and sovereign nations in their own rights.

    We’re immersed in this idea from an early age…you even have the possessive form there, but I’m sure you don’t intend to say that these communities are Canada’s people. These habits and ways of speaking and thinking are not necessarily easy to spot, so I don’t mean to be critical in pointing it out, rather to remark on how deeply ingrained these ideas are in Canadian culture. If we were to think of these communities as independent, I don’t think we’d have the same kind of expectations about which country’s journalists (now I have to doublethink that possessive!) would be more/less likely to want to explore and study them?

  5. I totally get what you are saying! I try to avoid calling them ‘our first nations’, b/c I know using the possessive is doing them a disservice. But I do need to look closely at the other terms I’m using b/c I know I haven’t eradicated it from my vocabulary. It would be interesting to read about the various Indigenous perspectives on whether they consider themselves Canadian. As in, I’m assuming most consider themselves Indigenous first, but where does Canada lie on that spectrum for them?

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