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  1. I don’t sell ARCs or review copies. If anything, I’ll offer then as a giveaway in my review (if I liked the book) or I’ll mail them to another interested book blogger. If that doesn’t happen, they go in the Little Free Library, which I know some authors would take issue with (because that’s still one person not paying for their book), but I do make it clear what I’m doing on my FAQ page.

    I will say I laugh at things I’m not supposed to laugh at. Biscuit and I are reading this classic 1980s novel, and one character is a man in a tiny NYC apartment with his wife, a brand-new baby, and a the baby’s nurse. The nurse is this lovely British woman, whom the man sees as perfect, which irritates him. Then, one morning they’re watching the news about a riot in Harlem, and the British nurse says something racist. The man basically thinks, “Oh, thank god, she’s a bigot and not perfect.” Now, that’s not a great thing to think, but I laughed when I read that.

    1. OMG I laughed when I read that-I can totally see why you would too, LOL

      I put lots in the LFL’s too, and although authors may not like it, I don’t care, b/c how else am I going to get rid of these ARCS? I give many away to friends too, but at this point they are like ‘cool it Anne, we don’t read that many books in a year’ so I only have so many options haha

    2. I absolutely know what you mean about friends being overwhelmed with books.

      The funny thing about the quote about the bigoted maid is that this was pre-social media. People didn’t even have Facebook to look at and make them feel bad.

  2. There was a pretty big Instagrammer one time Youtuber who got called out for selling their arcs last year for pretty crazy prices no less. But from what I understand it’s pretty frowned upon.

    1. Oh wow! Yes doesn’t surprise me there are a few people out there, but I would never!

  3. I don’t get ARCs because I don’t need any extra books on my TBR list, but if I did and didn’t want to keep them I’d give them away like Melanie. I think selling them would be unethical.

    This book doesn’t sound like it’s for me because just reading your review made me want to punch the husband! I often have a hard time with oblivious characters.

    1. haha if it makes you feel any better, I wanted to punch both the husband and wife at different times LOL

  4. Re: your ARCs question – I was a book buyer at a large new and used bookstore for several years and as a rule we didn’t accept ARCs from customers trying to sell used books to us. Sometimes someone would bring in a whole stack of ARCs to try and sell but it was pretty rare. Personally, I’ll keep the ARCs of books I really love but I donate or give away the rest.

    1. I am shocked by people trying to sell ARCs, especially bc it says right on it, ‘not for sale’.

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