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  1. I have to admit, I love everything about this book. Possibly it’s partly nostalgia for me, but sometimes I just love a satisfying love story. When I was younger, especially, I was all about the romance in LMM’s books. From reading her biography, though, I know she hated that she had to end all her books with marriage, but knew that’s how it had to be done, so she did it. I would LOVE to see how she would have written a book in this day and age! Hmm… maybe if I ever write a book it should be a re-telling of one of LMM’s. Similar to all the re-tellings of Jane Austen and Shakespeare. That would be a fun project!

    1. I’m happy to know she resented the marriage as a solution – i was hoping she was more independant minded, and I guess i have my answer :)

    2. I just read the Emily series, and I thought Emily’s Quest was going to end without her reconciling with Teddy. It might as well have.

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