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  1. I’ve only read one Barclay and although I enjoyed his writing I was furious when I reached the end only to find a cliffhanger that answered none of the questions and expected the reader to patiently buy and read his next two books to find out who did what to whom! It put me off reading anything else by him, but if you can assure me that this one is a complete story rather than a third of a book then I might be tempted to give him another chance… ;)

    1. I promise this is a complete stand-alone! Gosh I don’t recall that book that you reviewed, but I can see how annoying that would be.

  2. I love it when a popular bestselling author puts care into his or her work… rather than just churning out three to five books a year (ahem, James Patterson) of middling quality. Michael Connelly is one who hasn’t lost his edge after all these years. I should try Barclay sometime.

    1. Hmmm not really. I’ve read MUCH worse in other suspense novels, this didn’t feel artificial.

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