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  1. Sounds like a great setting, and the idea of researching Tarot cards is quite appealing! But I think I’d find the distance of the central character off-putting too, especially if she’s the narrator. I always feel if you want your central character to remain vague or ambiguous it’s better to write in the third person.

  2. I’ve got this on my TBR list and I will probably check it out. It’s got 40 holds currently in my library system!

  3. I don’t typically read historical fiction, but both the poisonous plants in the garden and the tarot cards make it stand out from all those WWII novels that everyone loves. Did you find the main character TOO distracting, though? Like, would you read this one again?

    1. Well its not technically historical fiction, it takes place in the present day, but it features a woman who is an archivist essentially, so she’s fascinated by history. I never consider reading a book a second time so that’s never a good tell-tale sign of a good book for me. It’s a nice work of suspense though, very eerie

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