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  1. Interesting topic! I often wonder how people get scammed, but probably everyone wonders until it happens to them! Haha, yes, those thoughts that inspired us in our youth tend to just make us feel rather exhausted as we age. On the upside, you’re still well on the right side of the youth/age dividing line… ;)

  2. I that humans can scam us to our faces, not just through sketchy emails. If you like this topic, I highly recommend the memoir Have You Found Her? by Janice Erlbaum.

    1. Yes, scammers to our faces require a certain talent and skill, that’s for sure. Email scams are so run of the mill these days haha

  3. I agree – such an interesting topic! And so much scamming in the world now. Can’t wait to read this one!

  4. I love that this book is more than just a story. It is quite the character tale, from both sides, as you mentioned in your review. I wanted to see Cammie as one-dimensional (all bad) but it’s never that simple, is it?
    For another in-depth look at this topic, listen to Scamanda, a fascinating podcast about a woman faking cancer. It’s so well done!

    1. Thank you for the recommendation, and for stopping by my corner of the internet :)

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