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  1. I’m always a bit wary when I see an American author setting their book in Britain because they so often get the language wrong. I think we’re all fooled by the fact that theoretically we all speak English, but it’s not the same English! But it does sound like a interesting story – war-time evacuations don’t seem to have been explored as much in fiction as they could be.

    1. It’s funny that never even occurs to me, the background of the author, but you bring up a very good point! Not alot of Americans setting books in Canada, so I don’t notice much haha

    1. I see she has quite the list of books written. She’s very commercial but I enjoyed it!

  2. Thanks for pointing out that the timelines matter and aren’t just to would the truth (looking at you, Ruth Ware). Two timelines as a literary device is so hard to get right.

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