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  1. I recently finished Nghi Vo’s Siren Queens which is kind of gently spooky, one could say. She reminds me of SIlvia Moreno-Garcia (and I recall you’ve enjoyed her) and this one would be especially enjoyable if you also like old Hollywood films (or ever did enjoy them). BUT I have a feeling it might not be QUITE CREEPY enough for you!

    1. hahah

      I haven’t read any more books by Silvia Moreno, but I would like to. She seems to be sliding a bit more into the fantasy genre, just based on what I’ve seen of her newer releases, but still worth a revisit.

  2. I reread Jackson’s novel in the past year or so and found I did not like it nearly as much as I had when I read it as an undergrad around 20 years ago. There was just enough missing that I felt like someone had pulled the rug out from under me. I find We Have Always Lived In the Castle and Hangsaman oddly much creepier.

  3. I feel like I need to reread Jackson’s original. It’s been a minute. I do remember being creeped out. I don’t do scary books, really, though. Just a little creepy is enough for me!

    1. Yes this one is quite creepy Laila, you are best to stick to the witchy rom coms, and I have one coming up!

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