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  1. Famously! The Shining is basically a story he wrote about himself when he was addicted to cocaine. I copied this from an article:

    King says he was a “heavy user” of the happy powder from 1978 till around 1986 when he was churning out best-sellers like It, Christine, Pet Sematary, Misery, and Cujo — the classic tale of a murderous St. Bernard dog that King “barely remember(s) writing at all.” Read this:

  2. In his memoir, he writes about how he used to craft his stories on a typewriter that he set on the washing machine. He sat on a stool, and wrote like that, because that was all they had (they were poor). Then, when he got famous he bought this huge, fancy, expensive desk, which is around the time he got addicted to drugs and alcohol. He felt the desk was too symbolic of a big head and problems, so he got rid of it when he got clean. I should re-read his memoir; it’s very good.

  3. So with this convo about Stephen King in mind, I mentioned, on live radio last week, how I think he was addicted to cocaine when he was writing all his famous earlier books, which the host LOLd at

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