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  1. I have trouble with short stories – just out of curiosity, over how long a period do you take to read a collection?

    1. You aren’t the only one Laila! I certainly don’t prefer them over novels, but I always enjoy them once I pick them up :)
      I typically read them straight through, like one or two stories a day. However, I sometimes read them over a longer period of time, while I’m reading a novel. This is more enjoyable so I can pick it up after a few days, however I don’t feel like I absorb the stories as much, so I can’t write as best of a review as possible. So, if I wasn’t writing an indepth review, I’d probably read one story every few days.

  2. It’s not often I find a collect of long short stories, which are my sweet spot. They feel like a novel in scope, but don’t drag things out with tons of side characters or whatever beefs up a novel these days to around 400 pages.

    1. Hmm that’s an interesting point – that the longer a collection is, the closer to a novel it feels like (and maybe gives us more of a sense of an accomplishment when we finish it?). I personally like when the stories are linked, simply because it’s easier to review, and also because it feels more like a novel again. But, Adderson is just such an incredible writer, I like whatever she writes!

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