Book Review: The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood

Book Review: The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood

Yes, the queen of Can-Lit herself has found a place on my blog, but why has it taken this long for me to review one of her books? She was one of my favourite writers growing up, and I continue to enjoy her zany (if somewhat ominous) stories as they continue to roll...
Book Review: The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha

Book Review: The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha

If you’ve read a few of my past posts, you’ll notice I’ve read a few ‘downers’ lately. Not bad books, but sad books all the same. So, I skipped ahead on my to-read shelf (I generally try to read books as they are sent to me) to The...

Book Review: Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys

Warning: another tragic story coming up. I’m not sure what it is lately, but the books I seem to picking off my to be read (TBR) shelf are heartbreaking. Good, well-written, but heartbreaking. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys is based on the real-life maritime...

Book Review: The Hero’s Walk by Anita Rau Badami

If I was an organized reader and blogger, I would have read this book a few months ago in time for the Canada Reads debate that happened in early March. But, I clearly missed that boat, so my apologies; here is my very late review of the second place winner of Canada...