Goodbye Smokey

Goodbye Smokey

It’s been a rough 24 hours in our house, as we returned home from vacation to find our beloved Smokey had passed away. It feels like just a few short months ago we were mourning the death of her sister Pearl, so I wonder if the loss of her only feline companion shortened Smokey’s life…

Goodbye Pearl

Goodbye Pearl

It’s with a heavy heart that I write this: our beloved Pearl has passed away, and because she played such a large part in this blog, I thought it best to alert all of you that you will no longer be seeing photos of her in my future posts. Pearl lived a good life, she…


State of the ARC Meme

I rarely do meme’s (or it is memes?) on this blog because my reading is typically dictated by the book events or author interviews I’m scheduled to do. However, this seemed like a really easy one to join in on, and it appears other book bloggers are having so much fun doing these together, so…

#Twitter Advice Needed

#Twitter Advice Needed

What is a hashtag? When is the best time to post something? What does it mean when there is an @ symbol? Is my username stupid/and or cumbersome? All these questions can only mean one thing, I am now diving into the time-wasting pool that is twitter. I know, I’m only 7-ish years late to…