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  1. I have a general rule not to read books about pets or animals in general (I’m too much of a softy,) but this one does sound like it has some very heartwarming and fun stories! Oh, and I’m a cat person too. But I would like to own a dog one day. Maybe. :)

    1. it’s really strange how we’re drawn to particular breeds of dogs, it’s not really the same with cats. Cats are generally quite similar-but dogs can be so different!

  2. Good gravy, that IS a huge dog. All I see is big poo, LOL. The kitty equivalent would be a Maine Coon. It’s funny that you wrote who hasn’t had a strong connection with a house pet. I had a series of cats that were unfriendly as hell. Sadly, I kept thinking, “Kitty, when you die, there will be no more kitties, because this isn’t working out.” Eventually, some cat relationships were miserable enough that kitties had to go. I think its fair for me AND the cat because me making an animal miserable isn’t good for the animal, either. Our current kitty, whom I call Kitty, was found on Craigslist. She took years to warm up to us physically, though she does seem to like us. One summer, I didn’t have a job, and I realized the cat was always next to me. Wherever I was, she was within three feet. So I taught her to sit for treats. Then, as my husband and I traveled away for a weekend more and more to visit family in the next state, I found Kitty was distraught at our leaving. Today, she’s super cuddly and lovey, and I love her and I never want a different kitty! It comes full circle, LOL.

    1. Oh I love this story! and yes, many cats take awhile to warm up to. Also, I’ve always wanted a Maine Coon, just because they are so HUGE!

  3. I reviewed this book on my blog as well. Wasn’t it so good? I made my aunt in Nashville go to the author’s book signing so I could have an autographed copy. If you like cats, I read a wonderful book called “A Street Cat Named Bob” by James Bowen. It is a true story. I will be reviewing in on my blog later today.

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