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  1. “I connected with the main character Jared, even though he is someone I have nothing in common with…”

    I love this line. I was just writing on Goodreads in response to someone who filleted a book I l really enjoy because she couldn’t relate to the characters at all. In fact, she felt the characters were all unlikable. Now, I have to wonder: since when did human beings have to be “likable,” and since when did we create the standard that fictional characters must be likable? Sometimes, unlikable people are the ones from whom we can learn the most. THAT creates a connection. I love your choice of the word “connection.”

  2. Yes, finding the connection with characters, regardless of their likability, is what fiction is all about for me. I love reading books because it forces me into someone else’s shoes, which makes me a more empathetic person. They say that avid readers tend to be the most sensitive and empathetic, just because we get to experience life as someone else. Books for the win, yet again!!!

  3. This book was well written however it was the worst book I ever read!!!!
    So much swearing that it interfered with the story line. I think you need to be on drugs or stoned to follow the story.
    It skips and jumps so much! The actual story really does not take place until almost near the end of the book.
    It’s passes over serious issues !!!!
    This book is garbage !

  4. This book certainly isn’t for everyone, and it does jump around a lot. This is quite common in this genre of magical realism, but definitely not an easy read.

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