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  1. I am more of a dog person and will read any book about dogs that come my way. However, I did really like the book, A Street Cat Named Bob. Have you read that one? I highly recommend it.

    1. Yes that is the second book in the Bob series. I liked the first one better. I have read Gizelle’s Bucket List too. My aunt went to an author event for me and got my book signed.

    2. Oh wow, I think we talked about this already haha sorry I had forgotten you commented on my original post! Maybe I should read the first book In the series too?

  2. I’ve heard the information about the different sounds cats will make all in an effort to manipulate humans and think it’s really interesting. A cat will make a specific sound​ just for the owner to get what it wants, a sound that the cat would never make “naturally” to communicate with other cats.

    1. yah I found that really interesting too-the fact that cats speak a different language to humans that they do to other cats. I knew they were smarter than dogs!!!

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