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  1. J. T. Allen here. I just happened across this review again after many months and had not seen the comments before and just wanted to thank Anne and all those who commented. I’m so thankful you took a chance at reading and reviewing an indie book. Being compared to Alan Bradley is of course ear-to-ear smile amazing. I was struck by Grab the Lapels’s comment about being harassed by a writer and that just seems crazy. So sorry to hear that.

    I had hoped the third Daisy book would be ready by now but it has taken longer than expected (I do other writing, TV and film) but with luck I’ll have something by the end of the year. Meantime, thank you for giving Daisy a chance. I recently gave a copy of the book to a friend who was taking a trip to Paris so she could read it on the flight over, and when she got back she said someone had stopped her in Charles de Gaulle airport and said, “is that the Daisy Tannenbaum book? So I guess the book finds its way with the help of friends. All best. J. T.

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