Holiday Advent Calendar Unveiling: December 23
I’ve got a brand new background for ya today! And some insights from my husband on this latest short story which has a very creative title (wink wink).
What do you think of, when you think of Canmore, Alberta? Mountains most likely, lots of tourists, old white people in hiking boots, etc. Do you ever think of graphic novels? Or kids books? Well you should start, because Canmore is not only home to Olympic athletes, it’s home to the publisher Renegade Arts Entertainment…
I read Elevator Pitch by Linwood Barclay in a place far far away from any kind of elevator. I was staying in a cabin in Northern Ontario, dodging mosquitoes but blissfully distant from any and all high rises. Barclay’s name is well known to me, as I’ve read previous books by him AND listened to…
Are you experiencing thriller overload yet? There are so many dang suspense novels on my shelf right now, I’m almost getting sick of them. ALMOST. But every time I find one that I love, I want to shout from the rooftops because there is nothing better than reading a great mystery/suspense/thriller in the summertime. Which…
A debut novel with a gothic twist, The Cloisters by Katy Hays scratched my itch for a plot-driven story that would offer up some escapism for the snowy March we’ve been experiencing here in Calgary. Taking place in present-day New York City over one hot and sweaty summer, this is a dark look at obsession…
I just spent the weekend with a whole whack of doctors. Well, that’s not totally true, most of them were at the tail end of their formal training, but they had all chosen their disciplines and were ready and willing to talk about each arm of medicine and the pros and cons of each. Being…
I originally read A Good Enough Mother by Bev Thomas with the intentions of including it in a mother’s day book recommendations wrap-up. I thought it would be perfectly suited for this purpose; it has the word “mother” in the title and it’s all about a woman who’s a mom trying to be ‘good enough’…
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“But Santa’s into sluts, that’s why he says ho ho ho!”–my husband
Did you read the publishers spooky box, or whatever it was, chosen by Patton Oswalt? I think it was all horror themed. They should do that next year with the advent calendar. Seriously, publishers put out calls for themed stories all the time, and people either write them it submit ones they’ve written.
bahahaha that comment sounds exactly like something my husband would say!
I didn’t read the ghost box, but I’d like to! It was all horror or gothic themed I think. You’re right, I’m surprised they didn’t specify the stories needed to have some holiday-ish ness to them.
I would have thought mistletoe would have been an essential tool for an aspiring slut…
Catching up, obviously…
I liked the fire – thought it was a nice change of pace and nice lighting.
I agree, this kind of story should have been included earlier in the month, from the sound of it. “Santa would not approve” – that made me laugh!
he sure wouldn’t! My husband did though :)