Book Review: Louis Undercover by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault

Graphic novels are hot right now, it seems everyone is talking about them and with good reason; they are a wonderful way of communicating a story in a unique and visually delightful way. For those who aren’t familiar with the format, I’ve included a few pictures throughout this review to give you a better idea of what to expect, but be forewarned graphic novels aren’t just for kids, in fact many view them as a format suited to both youths and adults alike. When I received Louis Undercover by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault in the mail I was ecstatic, because this book is such a beautiful work of art, and I’m proud to have it on my bookshelf.

I should mention this story is translated from the French by Christelle Morelli and Susan Ouriou, who were the dynamic duo behind this other lovely story I reviewed last year. Translating something like this would be a great challenge because there isn’t as much text, luckily the illustrations speak volumes as well. It’s a story told from the perspective of a young boy (Louis) whose parents are separated, seemingly over his father’s alcoholism. Louis has a younger brother nicknamed Truffle, and together they shuttle back and forth between their mother’s apartment in the city, and their old family home in the country where their father now lives alone. In the midst of this difficult family life, Louis has an undeniable crush on a girl at school named Billie, who he desperately admires but has never actually spoken to. And as in many books told from the perspective of a young person, we never get to know the entire story, but that’s the appeal for the reader-piecing together what is going on in the lives of their adults while the children offer their own perspective.
Aside from the gorgeous illustrations and the selective yet effective use of colour, Louis Undercover‘s strength lies in the dialogue. The conversations between the kids are the most illuminating, and almost always tinged with humour, despite the difficult circumstances. The bravery of the two brothers is heart-wrenching and hopeful, which forced me to pause and reflect more than once on the resilience of children, and how little we give them credit for. They are always more perceptive than we think, and reading this book will remind you of that.
The only problem I had with writing this review was coming up with an audience to recommend it to, because who wants to pick up a beautiful book about a family coming apart at the seams? Bibliophiles like me will undoubtedly appreciate Louis Undercover, but it would be a hard sell for any teen, especially if they are dealing with similar issues at home. And although this wouldn’t be ideal as a gift either, I think the book is so beautiful that it’s one every can-lit fan should have on their shelves. It’s a testament to the breadth of talent our authors, illustrators and translators possess in this great country of ours, and it’s one that can be shared over the years with friends and family who are open to reading about these types of things. Talking about these problems can be difficult, but poring over stunning artwork with a strong message is something most people can and do enjoy.
Oh, I’m so excited to read this one: I loved Jane, The Fox and Me! I think some teens do turn to books for help in difficult times – perhaps not all, but some – even today.
gosh, I sure hope that teens turn to books these days. Maybe I’m just too cynical, but I suppose I”ll find out when my kids get to be that age too!
I loved Jane, The Fox, and Me too. Our library system has this in cataloging to it will be available soon. I’ll read it! I don’t read graphic novels often, but this does sound like one not to miss.
I’ve got another one coming up that I’m reviewing shortly, keep your eyes peeled! House of Anansi publishes some beautiful graphic novels.
I’m a storyteller with four CDs. Do you review CDs? Storytellers?
Hi Jim, word of advice, it’s always best to refer to a bloggers’ review policy when pitching one’s work. Unfortunately I don’t review CD’s.
I wonder if this book WOULD be good for young people whose families are falling apart so they feel like they’re not alone. When I was younger, I always read books that were full of perfect characters. The problem is that I never recognized the problems going on at home as a result, and it took a long time to cope as a result. As an adult, I still wonder why things aren’t perfect, which is silly to think, but also the default in my head.
hmm yah, I think I’m just cynical these days and assume teenagers only go on their phones and don’t read actual books. Of course, the sales of YA series always say differently!
I was just flipping through this book at the library the other day, and was very tempted to bring it home. I already had a pile going so decided not to, but think I will soon! I was actually thinking that my youngest would probably like this book. She’s drawn to troubling stories (like me!). I was also thinking it would be good for my kids to read about families that are struggling – I often feel that they take their good fortune for granted. I’m getting tired of hearing about how starving they are when they get home from school because I didn’t put enough to eat in their lunches. Sigh.
This is a great review, btw!
thank you! And I never thought of that, how useful this book would be to teach children about being thankful for what they do have. It is such a good read, I think they’d enjoy it.