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  1. That’s something else that renewedly surprises me – how little cross-over there is in terms of literary popularity, even between English-speaking countries. I seem to have to keep learning that that’s so often true…

  2. I love the humor, but the most interesting part to me is hearing what older folks think of current events. I mostly get them via my Granny’s Facebook, where she says every and anything (like a lunatic) and then never is nearly as brave in real life. My great Uncle Ralph, though, who loves Moon Pies and pencils and is older than the guy in this book, recently said (in real life) that the #MeToo movement isn’t new, just that women didn’t used to have a voice when he was a young man. I hope you review the second book, Anne!

  3. See I’m not sure the second book will be available in Canada anytime soon-I don’t think the publisher has bought the Canadian rights to it, because I don’t think it was as popular as they thought it would be in North America.

    Isn’t facebook fun, where you get to discover who from your family/friend group is a racist/bigot/horrible person? (insert eye roll here) LOL

  4. I loved getting to know Hendrik and prefer to think of him as a real person. For the author of this review, however, Hendrik does not live in a “nursing” home. Its a “care” home….. as in “assisted living”. There is a difference. Nursing home “inmates” are confined to bed. Assisted Living “inmates” live as in a hotel and are free to come and go as they please, but have all the amenities done for them.

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