2018 Short Story Advent Calendar Unveiling

Sometimes I don’t like a short story. Sometimes, it launches me into a rant about why I don’t like particular styles of writing. Today, is one of those days.
On a happier note, at the end of this post is a video (hopefully it works!) of my first television book segment. Feel free to skip to minute 26 to see me, or, catch up on Calgary’s news from Wednesday if you want to watch the whole thing.
I sooooo agree with you about authors forgetting that the point is not to show how clever or ‘creative’ they are, but to entertain readers! Repeating passages? Pah! That’s just horrible! Unfortunately, I’m getting a message saying “This type of video file is not supported”, so I can’t see your TV stardom 😫 but I’ll switch over to another browser shortly and see if I have more luck there.
Good luck with the dentist tomorrow! You’ll be fine… 😱
thanks FF!
If you have to wake up early tomorrow to nurse your baby, maybe after would be a good time to do the video? I know teeth stuff make me nervous, and maybe doing your video will make you happy?
When I was in grad school, I was in a program that favored experimental writing for all the possibilities. I liked that, and the teachers were so into these books that I got into buying those books. ONCE in a great while I find a gem, but this yearly I’ve largely been reading about 5 pages of each of those purchased books and throwing them in the donate pile. Oftentimes, such authors are academics who don’t likely expect people beyond those who run in the same circles to read their work. It’s like they’re not thinking of a reader.
hmmm interesting. Yes I ended up filming the video on the 14th, I’m about to post it now before I drive to the surgeon. i’m not nervous, just hungry!!!
I’m so glad i’m not the only one who deosn’t like that experimental writing. In fact, Jessica Westhead, the writer behind story 13 ( I think it was that day) messaged me on twitter to tell me how much she agreed with my review of 14, and how repeating passages is so annoying LOL
That’s odd! I’ve never seen one author publicly dislike another–may be bad for future business.
true! Although I do appreciate her honesty nonetheless
I did enjoy this story very much! I laughed out loud and thought the repetition was very funny. I certainly wouldn’t enjoy it over and over again in a novel but in a short story I thought it was great. You said day 13’s story was laugh out loud funny but I didn’t find that at all. I was bored with it. Usually I agree with you but not this time. Thanks for the reviews, I am really enjoying them and the variety of stories.
Thanks for following along Susan! It would be strange if we agreed on every single story I think-that’s half the fun of the advent calendar :)
Well, I don’t think I want to live in that world…whatever it is. Perhaps it shouldn’t be saved. It was a little too abstract for me and left me feeling icky and confused. I also did not care for his portrayal of women in the story. This experiment failed. Ready for story 15. (Best sigh ever, BTW.)
ahaha thanks! And I forget to mention that I hated the portrayal of women too! ugh.
For some reason I can’t watch the TV video, but I’m sure it’s very good. You’ve had lots of practice with your videos!
I absolutely hate to fast – it makes me feel sick. Good luck with everything tomorrow! Oh wait… It’s already happened! I’m going to go see how you made out!
haha it’s been a week now-still some soreness but getting there!