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  1. You’ve definitely sold me on this book. While I really enjoyed Barbara Ehrenreich’s book Nickel and Dimed, I felt like she was an outsider who had money trying to look in. That gave her lots of space to complain and use sarcasm. I know that she’s a journalist who was doing research, but I really wanted to know the stories of the people she talked to from their own perspective. They could have given her research nuance. This book sounds like what I’m looking for.

  2. I stumbled across the author’s site today, then found your review. As a minister and an active volunteer in a local shelter for women and children, I feel this is a must-read for me. I look forward to getting a copy.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I do hope this book gets a wide readership, it would interest and help alot of people.

  3. Yay for a happy ending! It sounds like she deserves it.
    This kind of story really makes me feel lazy and ungrateful for everything I have and have had.
    It’s so great to see you’ve sold it to so many people. I hope it does well!

    1. haha I know what you mean-sometimes these books make me feel ungrateful too, but in a good way-it’s a lovely reminder of how lucky we are!

  4. I’m reading this book right now, almost finished. I agree so much with your review. One thing that has shocked me in other reviews is how she is chastised for buying the diamond ring… literally one of the only things she has done to feel “good” in quite a few years of working HARD. No vacations, do paid days off, just one ring. I can’t even imagine and it has sparked some hope that maybe I can volunteer more and be a better source of hope and aid to someone who needs it.

    1. Yes, I’m shocked people can read this book and still find ways of accusing her of not spending her money right! What a life she’s been through…

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