Book Review: The Accident of Being Lost by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson

As I continue to work through the 2019 Canada Reads Longlist, I’m happening upon some books as old as 2017 ( I typically try to review books within the year they are released), so I love that I have finally have a good excuse to read them! This Accident of Being Lost by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson is an evocative mix of poetry, song and short story that details the conflicting emotions Simpson (or the first person perspective in this book) faces as an Indigenous person in today’s society.
I first want to say that this book has a lovely rhythm to it; reading song after story back to song again is a really intelligent way to keep the reader engaged and alert. By alternating genres, we’re forced to stay on our toes and keep an open mind to what the next page brings, so I felt as though I really gave this one a deeper read than say, a 400 page novel would regularly prompt. This collection is extremely varied too; some poems I struggled to grasp what was happening, while others are completely relatable. For instance “Tidy Bun” is the story of two moms at their kids’ ballet class; the tidy bun Mom is a rich hippy that does lame things like attachment parent a baby chick, so of course she is an easy target for humour-and sadly, I could relate to this story! And then there’s extremely direct (and also funny) poems like “A Few Good Reasons to Wear A Long Skirt” which is just how it sounds.
There are definitely serious undertones to every piece in this book however, and compared to other books by Canadian indigenous writers that I’ve read lately, I would say this one felt more ‘raw’. What I mean by that is that Simpson’s anger is clearly felt within these pages, which may put off some readers, although it really shouldn’t. For instance, the story “Plight” uses the phrase ‘white people love that’ and generally mocks a left-leaning neighborhood for their attempts at being inclusive. I’ll be honest, I try to buy organic like the people being mocked in this story BUT instead of getting defensive about that, I acknowledge the point of view and move on, even if I don’t agree with it. And herein lies the importance of reading voices like Simpson’s; you don’t have to agree with and love every single thing she is writing, but it is important to acknowledge and accept her anger without taking it as a personal attack on you, your family, or even your own culture. The buzz word ‘reconciliation’ encompasses a lot of different things to different Canadians, but I personally take it as a call to simply listen to opinions that aren’t your own and resist the urge to counteract or talk over that conflicting perspective.

Simpson does not shy away from conflict or political statements, and interestingly, she writes at the end of one poem “Dedicated out of respect to the intelligence and commitment of Black Lives Matter Toronto for halting the Pride parade in 2016” (p. 34 of ARC). I’m not even going to attempt to unpack that because that situation got a lot of different groups riled up, and I’m not informed enough to comment on it, but STILL very admirable that she feels comfortable making such an impactful statement within these pages. Mind you, if you can’t write stuff like that in your own damn book, then where can you?
This collection will push you out of your comfort zone but in a positive way-highly recommended.
Greetings to your cat Smokey!
why thank you! Smokey says hello back :)
I was just blown away by this book! A favourite.
I know right? I really enjoyed it too, short but so powerful.
I feel like Smokey’s fur is getting softer and softer looking. Maybe you’re right; maybe she was stressed having another kitty in the house. :/
I looked at the Pride Parade/Black Lives Matter article you linked, and I’m surprised. I read a lot of articles in which women of color call out white feminists for being exclusive in their liberation. I’ve read about LGBTQ folks of color being the most marginalized people in the country. I’ve never seen anyone do anything or protest to make their point about it.
Yes it was a surprising act for sure. I can’t say I have an opinion either way about it I suppose, I just appreciated how this author felt comfortable enough to draw attention to it. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised because her whole book is quite political but I love reading different perspectives regardless!
I wonder how the pride parade folks changed after the confrontation.
I wasn’t sure about this book, but I do love it when writers are brave enough to write what they believe. Another reason I could never be a writer… Ha!
Have you read it Naomi? What did you think of it?
No, I haven’t! I guess my comment kind of sounds like I have. :)
haha no worries
One of the aspects of this book which I really appreciated was the way that the pieces invite you to read one and then set the book aside and, then, read another, sometimes, whenever. In that sense, the collection felt more like poetry to me than prose. Another thing about this book I really loved? The cover image. Phew. Gorgeous. But, overall, I found more of the pieces in Islands of Decolonial Love more affecting. The rage in her writing is completely justifiable but I felt like it was consuming some of these pieces whole, whereas the rage in the earlier volume feels like fuel, controlled, yes, but still searing. I loved that one.
Oh interesting. And I couldn’t agree more about this cover-what a crazy picture!!! It makes you stop in your tracks.