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  1. I feel like Smokey’s fur is getting softer and softer looking. Maybe you’re right; maybe she was stressed having another kitty in the house. :/

    I looked at the Pride Parade/Black Lives Matter article you linked, and I’m surprised. I read a lot of articles in which women of color call out white feminists for being exclusive in their liberation. I’ve read about LGBTQ folks of color being the most marginalized people in the country. I’ve never seen anyone do anything or protest to make their point about it.

    1. Yes it was a surprising act for sure. I can’t say I have an opinion either way about it I suppose, I just appreciated how this author felt comfortable enough to draw attention to it. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised because her whole book is quite political but I love reading different perspectives regardless!

  2. I wasn’t sure about this book, but I do love it when writers are brave enough to write what they believe. Another reason I could never be a writer… Ha!

  3. One of the aspects of this book which I really appreciated was the way that the pieces invite you to read one and then set the book aside and, then, read another, sometimes, whenever. In that sense, the collection felt more like poetry to me than prose. Another thing about this book I really loved? The cover image. Phew. Gorgeous. But, overall, I found more of the pieces in Islands of Decolonial Love more affecting. The rage in her writing is completely justifiable but I felt like it was consuming some of these pieces whole, whereas the rage in the earlier volume feels like fuel, controlled, yes, but still searing. I loved that one.

    1. Oh interesting. And I couldn’t agree more about this cover-what a crazy picture!!! It makes you stop in your tracks.

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